Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Canadian newspaper publishes cartoon of Jesus Christ performing oral sex on a pig.

Cartoon spurs anger

"A newspaper cartoon targeting religion has once again sprung into the spotlight -- this time in a two-frame jab at Christianity in the University of Saskatchewan student newspaper, the Sheaf.

The newspaper is issuing a mea culpa after a cartoon depicting Jesus performing a sex act on a capitalist pig was published in Thursday's edition of the Sheaf.

"The comic was actually laid out and went to print as a result of an editorial oversight and a mistake," production manager Liam Richards said Monday. "It was not our intention to have a (public) reaction to it."

The cartoon ran a week after the student-funded newspaper ran a four-page spread discussing the controversial Danish cartoons picturing the Prophet Muhammad, which have incited rioting and violence by Muslim extremists around the globe. Then-editor-in-chief Will Robbins wrote an editorial telling readers the Sheaf would not publish the cartoons, which have offended so many.

Robbins tendered his resignation to the paper's board Sunday."

Article: The StarPhoenix

Click here for the cartoon. WARNING: Extremely Offensive!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Speak english? You're fired!

CBS4 Investigates 'English Speaking' Sign Flap

"(CBS4) DENVER Arapahoe County is threatening to fire a veteran Public Works employee for promoting the fact that he is an English speaking American.

"They claim it's offensive and I've been accused of discrimination and harassment, believe it or not, because of this," said Mike Gray, a heavy equipment operator with the Arapahoe County Road and Bridge Department for 16 years."

This will happen more and more often in the near future, it will become taboo to speak english in any setting. Wake up, America, your nation is being stolen from you!!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

KGB behind attempt on John Paul II's life?????

Update 2: Italian Panel: Soviets Behind Pope Attack

"An Italian parliamentary commission concluded "beyond any reasonable doubt" that the Soviet Union was behind the 1981 attempt to kill Pope John Paul II - a theory long alleged but never proved, according to a draft report made available Thursday.

The commission held that the pope was a danger to the Soviet bloc because of his support for the Solidarity labor movement in his native Poland. Solidarity was the first free trade union in communist eastern Europe.

"This commission believes, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the leaders of the Soviet Union took the initiative to eliminate the pope Karol Wojtyla," said a draft of the commission's report obtained by The Associated Press. Wojtyla was John Paul's Polish name."

Article: Forbes

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

U.S. federal government importing 7000 muslims into P.A.

US Offers Citizenship To 7000 Ahiska Muslims

"KRASNODAR, Russia, July 24, ( - The United States has agreed to grant citizenship to 7,000 Ahiska Muslims who will be settled in Pennsylvania, reported a Russian newspaper on Friday, July 23.

The first 11-strong batch of the Ahiska Muslims, living in the Russian province of Krasnodar, left for Geneva on Thursday, July 22, before flying to Philadelphia, reported Novie Izvestia.

It added that the Muslims would be housed near the grand mosque in Philadelphia.

The paper recalled that Krasnodar governor Alexander Tkachev was notified of the American decision on February 15.

Izvestia said the Russian government does not treat Ahiska Muslims as citizens and has not therefore given them passports or IDs."

Article: Islam Online

March Madness: Congress and the Patriot Act

Update 13: Senate OKs Limiting Patriot Act Powers

"The Senate on Wednesday cleared the path for renewing the USA Patriot Act, swatting aside objections while adding new protections for people targeted by government investigations.

The overwhelming votes virtually assured that Congress will renew President Bush's antiterror law before it expires March 10. The House was expected to pass the legislation and send the bill to the president next week."

Article: Forbes

However, the House may do otherwise.

House pulls Patriot Act compromise vote; Delays until Tuesday

"The House has pulled from consideration today a "compromise" measure on the Patriot Act which was agreed upon by Senate Republican moderates and the House Judiciary Committee, RAW STORY has learned.

House aides say that Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has delayed a vote on the compromise measure. A vote on the Sununu provision -- named for Sen. John Sununu (R-NH) who negotiated the compromise, has been yanked from a floor vote in the House today. It has been rescheduled for Tuesday, a Senate aide said."

Article: The Raw Story