Sunday, October 31, 2004

Iran to resume uranium enrichment.

[Confirmed using my 3 source rule]

The Iranian parliment voted unanimously to commence the enrichment of uranium, an element used in the creation of nuclear weaponry. Iran is still negotiating the practice with various European nations.

The most shocking aspect of this vote, though, is that parliment members shouted "Death to America" during the vote, making their intentions clearer. Iran, however, claims that the uranium will be used purely for peaceful means. The American government still sees this as a potential threat to the world. The United States has asked the UN to study Iran for potential sanctions if Iran does not suspend its quest for uranium.

"At the talks in Vienna, Austria, the three key European powers had offered Iran a trade deal and peaceful nuclear technology -- including a light-water research reactor -- in return for assurances that the country will stop uranium enrichment indefinitely." - Taipei Times

Taipei Times