Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Ha ha ha

I just deleted the contents of my old blog (I had moved the content to this blog) and I was checking out the comments section, it was full of spam from bots who visited my site.

My old host had no security and virtually no stability, their server was little more than their own computer box hooked up to a slow dsl connection in Canada; I guess you get what you pay for.

Anyways, I had installed moveable type on my account, for easy blogging, or so I thought. Bots easily used the comments sections to spam, spam and spam some more. It got to the point that everything the comments database was accessed, it would crash the server. The file was over 20 megabytes (yes, the server was that unstable, it was unstable before I even put anything on there).

So I've been going through all my old stuff, and that is what I noticed.

Any content that I didn't put on here will arrive shortly.